Out on the streets in Blighty and surrounds, or by ye olde fashioned wonders of mail elsewhere, issue #3 of Woofah dropped in the mailbox just before Xmas. If you haven’t already familiarised youself with said publication, you can get a general idea about it at their site, but like all the best mags/zines/printed whatevers, you need to hold, absorb and read it to fully get the picture. Reggae, grime and dubstep is the stated brief, and it’s handled impeccably by people who know and care. Dare I even say that this issue is better than #2, and the design is spot on.
Of particular note is the article about the Kingston asylum Bellevue and its musical connections (what next Madden’s, the undertakers referred to lyrically for decades?), as well as in-depth pieces on the Bomb Squad’s dubstep fascination and the perennial pounding of Mr Twilight Circus Ryan Moore, and plenty more. You only need to check the list of contributors (most of whom run top notch blogs) to know that the writing is generally excellent, even if the reviews do stray towards the ebullient and insider-y at times, it’s refreshing to see some genuine passion.
You can, and should, buy it here, painlessly paypal style and fashion.

I strongly suggest you get to it quick smart, before they’re all gone…Top Songs of 08 malarkey up next from me.